10 years ago I had a plot in a community garden. I grew cucumbers, tomatoes, basil and zinnia. That was the summer I fell in love with pesto. The rich flavor of blended herbs is a poor man's version of green gold. When I quit eating cheese, pesto was probably the biggest sacrifice. So I searched my vegan cookbooks and weeded out the pesto recipes that were trying to be something other than traditional. Since we still have garlic scapes I diced them as a replacement for garlic. They maintained a woody texture that made me a little nervous but I proceeded with abandon.

Next came salt from the Ile de Re, followed by toasted walnuts and basil. Pulse the blender and pour in olive oil. It's looking a lot like pesto. Next add some Nutritional Yeast while the angel hair dances in boiling water. Time for the taste test and hallelujah - pesto is back on the menu!! It is indistinguishable from the romano and parmesan version. One batch made supper for three nights and it's on the docket again for next week! Happy days of summer are here to stay!

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