The fennel arrived large and bulbous with lacy fronds symmetrically spaced around the top like a princesses tiara. I'd never seen anything like it and there were no cooking instructions attached. So I googled and lucked out on simple and tasty directions. Cut everything away except the little bulbs inside. Place on a cookie sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, then balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle with salt and bake. It's a good thing the recipe was easy because they sizzled down to tiny crunchy morsels that barely filled an appetizer plate. The licorice zest bounced around with the toasty vinegar to form a sensation that requires expletives of "Amazing" between every bite!
Next up zucchini bread. I've been making a vegan version weekly. I add all the ingredients, then grate the zucchini and stir. The first time I made it the batter seemed way too dry so I added extra water. When the zucchini went in I realized that all the moisture from the zucchini was plenty to silken up the batter. The thing I love about this recipe is it is FILLED with zucchini. Talk about yummying up your vegetables! I find with gooey stuff the best approach is to throw your hands in and pretend it's a mudpie. Voila!

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