The fruit has arrived! One week prior to when we expected. Sweet cherries, blueberries and red currants. We polished off the cherries before last night's pasta reached al dente. The currants made their debut atop the shredded wheat this morning. And the blueberries graced our pomegranate paradise smoothie. That was easy, now what to do with all those vegetables?
Once again, we strategically calculated our cache. Since I'm leaving town tomorrow, the escarole and chinese cabbage were out. These require my expert cooking skill. Benedicta has become quite the expert at scoring treasures from the swap box and made it home with two extra bunches of beets and one extra of Rat Tail radishes in place of the escarole and cabbage.
Have you ever seen a Rat Tail radish? It looks like a stalk of green beans but tastes like a radish. Delectable! I'm told it's good slivered and tossed in a vinaigrette. Ours may not make it that far. I'm taking them to a family gathering in Arkansas along with squash and beets. I have a feeling the radishes will be a surprise to unsuspecting tasters who think they're chomping down on a fresh green bean - though they look like a pathetic, undernourished green bean. Perhaps I'll post a warning sign.
And here's what I cooked last night. Spaghetti Sauce. So easy in the blendtec I can't imagine buying it in a jar. Just add a can of chopped tomatoes, a can of tomato paste, garlic scapes, dried italian herbs and for the special ingredients of the day: fresh scallions and oregano from our weekly haul. Blend, heat and eat!

Yummmmm!I'd like to invite myself over for dinner when you return from Arkansas! ;)
Consider yourself invited!
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