I'm not much of a picture person. I may have owned a camera once. But if I did it must have been a hand-me-down of some sort. Someone else's castaway that I surely cast right away.
I'm pretty good with a disposable camera. The point and click variety. Some of my better shots have been when I forgot to use the flash, hence inadvertantly adding a bit of mood.
Countless photo-ops in sublimely beautiful places have been missed by me. I prefer the mind's eye version. My own private memories.
Caroleen was in Italy recently, a few weeks after we were there. When I saw her we shared stories about our respective trips. Her stories were more vibrant and colorful with the aid of her images.
I noticed most people asked about our trip (to Italy, Greece, Turkey and Croatia, if you're interested) but after recounting a few highlights I learned to ease off. They just wanted the brief summary, the polite response version. If I'd have had pictures I could have strung them along. After all, don't most people just scan the pictures when thumbing through a magazine. The effect is similar I think. They want to see my stories but who has time to read them? I surely don't. If I had photos of my trips they'd simply languish in my bra drawer, which has no room for bras because it's filled with old memories waiting to be sorted.
Fortunately, lots of people enjoy taking pictures. After attending an event I can usually cobble together a few from people who are generous enough to share them. And that's what I've presented here today.
High School Reunion, compliments of Scott.
Smile for the Camera!

1 comment:
I cant believe you have a blog!! I havent updated mine since I moved. Im a bad blogger..
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