In my creative writing class on Monday we started the session with 15 minutes of writing about a favorite possession. I wrote the following, and liked it so am posting it unedited:
The rug I carried home from Turkey is wool on wool and tightly woven. I don’t remember the knots per inch but I’m told it has some significance.
The base color is red; not fire engine red but just as bright – with a deeper, richer tone. The geometric patterns at the outer perimeter are set off with navy blue and the gentlest cream color peeking through adding highlights. The cream is also flecked throughout. The top and bottom edges have a subtle grey fringe.
The border at both ends is a checkerboard pattern that’s mostly red and blue with a pinkish square added here and there as part of the pattern. The side edges are bound with a thin blue stripe. The center has a large, spread out pattern that repeats and undulates as patterns inside a pattern.
Throughout there’s a combination of geometric and floral. That’s what drew me to this rug over the hundreds of others we were shown. The red says traditional, as do the floral patterns. The geometric shapes bring a more modern feel though they are clearly tide to an ancient art.
I love the feel of it under my bare feet – lush, solid and sturdy.
The underside has the appearance of a finely woven tapestry. It would be beautiful as a wall hanging in a large space. I find reassurance in the precise attention each double knot has been given. It’s like a hidden treasure. The beauty of it is always there but is kept turned away from the public eye.
But anytime I like I can flip over a corner and marvel at the masterpiece of the young girls’ hands.